Repeat prescriptions
Allow three working days for any repeat prescription request. See our clinical protocol for whether your medication falls within the urgent category, otherwise you will have to wait even if you have run out. You can order up to seven days ahead.
The scripts team handle around 6,000 requests a month. Please use online ordering and in the event of missing medication, check with your chemist in the first instance.
The phone lines do get very busy and you may have to wait.
Phone lines
Our phone lines are extremely busy. Our team will answer as soon as they can and we have typically seven receptionists on duty at one time.
If you would like to request a referral, please visit our Reception and Enquiries Room.
Routine referral letters will usually be completed and sent within five working days. Do not enquire before then.
Our secretaries have no better access to the hospital than you. We are not able to chase referral enquiries or expedite appointment times on your behalf.
If you wish to request your medical report, please complete our online form.
Insurance, legals and reports will usually be dealt with within ten working days. Rare exceptions may be made to this timescale but only in the event of a real emergency.